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Outreach & Ministries

We think it's extremely important to The Kingdom of God to reach our hand out into the community as much as we can. This is a great way to share The Gospel of Jesus Christ & provide services our brothers & sisters really and truly need. Read below to see how we serve the public and ways you can get involved!


Africa Water Well Mission

Each year our International Missions Coordinator, community & church raises thousands of dollars to drill water wells in Ghana, Africa.



Our water well partners in Ghana choose the best spot that we will likely hit water. They send a drilling team out to the site and we pray for water! If water is hit, we move onto the next stage...



A hand pump or electric pump is then installed at the drill site. This makes it so much easier for the villagers to get fresh, clean water for drinking & bathing, whenever they need it...



Upon installation & testing of the water pump, villagers are now able to receive clean water whenever they need it. Each village is thankful, but always in need. Ghana's climate requires extensive amounts of water. If you want to donate or get involved, contact us today!

Other Ministries...


John 3:16

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

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